[. . . ] Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of the program and this manual, MAXON Computer assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the program or from the information contained in this manual. This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by MAXON Computer. [. . . ] HDRI is an image format that contains special image luminance information and is thus an excellent choice for this effect. You can pep up your scene even more with the post effects "Highlights" and "Glow". Using highlights you can give your material's highlights any form you wish, like a star, for example. "Glow" does just what the name says ­ it lets a material glow. Try it! © Tommaso Sanguini - www. tommasosanguigni. it BODYPAINT 3D R12 Quickstart ­ Sketch and Toon 57 © Gary Ingle / Wes Ware 58 BODYPAINT 3D R12 Quickstart ­Sketch and Toon Sketch and Toon This is BODYPAINT 3D's Quickstart Tutorial for Sketch and Toon. This tutorial will introduce you to some of this renderer's fantastic creative possibilities. © Sebastian Storz s. storz@blattform. org 1. This is an acronym for "Non-Photorealistic Renderer" and simply means that it's not the renderer's intention to generate highly realistic images but to do exactly the opposite: To generate images that look like they were created using "traditional" animation techniques. Do you want your scene to look like a technical blueprint or maybe a pencil sketch?Do you want to give your animated characters that traditional animation look?For instant results you can fall back on one of the many presets Sketch and Toon provides. Otherwise you can have a ball with Sketch and Toon's different settings. Open the file, "QS_SaT_Start. c4d". Create a new material in the Material Manager (File / New Material). Deactivate the "Color" and "Specular" channels in the "Basic" tab of the Attribute Manager. Activate "Luminance" and switch to the "Luminance" tab. Click on the small arrow to the right of the word "Texture". Select Sketch / Cel. 64 BODYPAINT 3D R12 Quickstart ­Sketch and Toon The cel shader is a type of gradient shader. It can be loaded into any channel but for a cartoon-like look it should be put into the "Luminance" channel where its colors will always be rendered as full-tone and will not be influenced by the scene's lighting. 3 shades of blue are preset here by default but they don't really match our figures. Double click on the color sliders and create three colors with a green hue. The number of colors represents the number of color steps an object will be colored with. Drag the new material in the Object Manager onto "Whimp_center" and render the scene. Our Sketch and Toon figure is standing between two "normal" rendered figures. It is not necessary, though, to activate the Sketch and Toon render effects in order to use a sketch shader. Switch to the "Shading" tab and select "Background" in the drop-down menu next to the word "Object". [. . . ] These settings apply to the scene as a whole and not only to individual Cloner objects or Dynamics Body tags. . 116 BODYPAINT 3D R12 Quickstart ­ Dynamics © Jens Kappelmann, www. jeso-art. de Dynamics In this tutorial we will show you a few of the BODYPAINT 3D Dynamics functions. BODYPAINT 3D Dynamics are a powerful and multi-faceted tool for the creation of all types of dynamic calculations, object collisions and the general propulsion of objects, including "motorized" vehicles. Since the general setup of a Dynamics scene is similar to that of a MoDynamics scene we will not simply let object collide, as we did in the MoDynamics chapter. We will go one step farther and will equip a vehicle with a motor and let it "drive". BODYPAINT 3D R12 Quickstart ­ Dynamics 117 Open the file QS_Dynamics_start. c4d. The scene contains an old-timer, which we will equip with a motor using only a few objects and by modifying a couple of settings, which will cause the car to "drive". [. . . ]